名詞構文(S+V+C)-- of 主語 or 所有格主語 ーー

今回は、第2文型(S+V+C)の文を名詞化してしょう。Cは形容詞とし、それを名詞化します。意味上の主語は "of 主語" か所有格主語をとります。動詞を修飾する副詞は形容詞にして名詞に修飾させます。


1. Education is important. --> the importance of education



2. My daughter is frequently absent from school.

    --> my daughter's frequent absence from school

           the frequent absence of my daughter from school


3. Taro is able to speak French.

    --> Taro's ability to speak French

           the ability of Taro to speak French


4. Humans are superior to animals.

    --> Humans' superiority to animals

          the superiority of humans to animals


5. Shohei's homerun was beautiful. (翔平のホームランは見事だった)

    --> the beauty of Shohei's homerun(翔平のホームランが見事なこと)


